
real estate investing

The lives of the majority of young Americans revolve around their apartments. Many of us have pleasant memories of receiving the keys to our homes. Intoxicated by freedom, we entertained guests whenever we pleased, consumed whatever we pleased, and allowed the laundry to accumulate to our heart’s content… There’s a good chance we overlooked the idea that we would have to DO the laundry.

Regardless of your personal experiences, the need for inexpensive housing will always be great, and people of all ages may find themselves seeking to apartments to meet their needs. If purchasing flats sounds like the right move, there are numerous methods to get started. It ought to if it doesn’t. Here are 5 justifications:

Passive Income

The fabled “white whale” of accumulating wealth.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be relaxing on a beach in a tropical location while our money takes care of the laborious tasks rather than us? The solution may lie in apartment investment. There will undoubtedly need to be some upfront work. Finding the correct property (one that doesn’t need a ton of work and is in a desirable enough location to attract potential tenants) and filling it with the right tenants means numerous rent checks arrive in your account each month and continue to do so until one of your units is unoccupied.

Whether you decide to employ a property manager, investing the extra money to have someone else handle any maintenance or tenant complaints that arise allows you to spend less time on the phone and more time pursuing your other business endeavors.


Tax Advantages

Anyone who has bought real estate, whether apartments, single homes, multi-family homes, commercial properties, or anything else, will tell you it was not an easy process. However, the IRS lessens the strain once you’ve achieved your small piece of the American dream.

The IRS permits investors to write off 27.5 years’ worth of depreciation on a rental property. This means that even if you don’t spend that much on the property in question, you can deduct around 1/27th of the value of your investment property each year.

No matter how tightly you cross your fingers, something will eventually break. The terrible and unavoidable reality of apartment building ownership. The good news is that you can deduct any repairs you make from your taxes.

Costs for getting to and from your property, advertising, legal fees, property taxes, interest on a mortgage, and that property manager we mentioned earlier? Deductible in full.

Foreclosure Hedge

Stock investing is now simpler than ever. You can start using one of the various apps on your mobile device after selecting it. But don’t get overly happy when you purchase and trade your way to a 5% return on your investments. You might find that your return has been reduced by almost half once you account for inflation, estimated to be 2.24 percent for 2021. An investment not always correlated with inflation or rising prices is referred to as an inflation hedge. Being able to freely raise the rent in line with inflation rates makes the value acquired from investing in an apartment complex considerably more stable. In this manner, your income keeps pace with inflation while leaving room for future property value growth.

Comparing Reliability to Single-Family Homes

Although the initial investment is somewhat more than that of a single-family home, it can have significant long-term benefits. With a single-family house investment, you can only receive one rent payment; however, an apartment building could bring in dozens. Even though you must consider the cap rate, your return potential is virtually limitless. A 49-unit building with an 8% cap rate might cost $1.75 million. You might earn $62,000 annually if you put $450,000 down and finance $1.3 million.

Or, for $2,500 a year, you may lease one single-family home.


An apartment building that is kept in reasonable shape is bound to increase in value more than a single-family home for all the reasons mentioned above. When the time comes to sell, a multifamily building full of tenants paying rent that is continuously rising appears tremendously alluring to another owner.


Apartments are risky, just like any other, but if you have the money to invest, there is no telling how much you could make.