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Financial Freedom: What Does It Really Mean To You?

Different people associate financial independence with different things. Although everyone wants to achieve a state where money is no longer a concern, this is easier said than done. What are you doing to achieve this goal? How can you make your dream a reality? What roadblocks do you see in your way? What does financial freedom really mean to you?

How do you define financial freedom?


If you answered, “When I get rich” or “When I’m financially independent,” then you answered incorrectly. Why?

Well, there are a lot of people who are financially independent but are always chasing the next dollar, money and wealth are a ball and chain to them.

It seems that people believe financial freedom is a destination. However, it is not something that will happen overnight.

And, if you answered freedom from work then you are completely wrong because financial freedom doesn’t include freedom from work either. It may include freedom to do work when you want or type of work.

If this were true, work would be portrayed as a BAD thing, which it is not. People like you who have busy schedules don’t go through all of that training just to dispose of it quickly. So you might be asking yourself, “If wealth and retirement don’t indicate financial freedom, then what does?”

Financial Freedom

#1 Freedom from want

As a first priority, we must ensure that our basic needs are met.

For those of you reading this article, your career/job already covers this.

However, it also implies that we find some fulfilment in our job. We can realise its worth and value for ourselves and others.

Taking pride in your work and the value you’re creating for others should make you feel good about what you’re doing. We all live to contribute as long as we achieve freedom to do the type of work we like and when we like that is a big thing. If we can connect to the work it is very valuable.

#2 Freedom from worry

What worries keep you awake at night?

Would it be possible to erase those completely?

There are several things that can damage your financial stability, such as debt, unstable investments, and overspending.

You’ll be able to worry less if you remove all those things. You create a focused plan to follow and grow your wealth.


#3 Freedom from wondering

When you have a financial plan that addresses all aspects of your money and life, you can get rid of the feeling of not knowing.

You know where you are now and in which direction you are heading.

Knowing this gives you more confidence that if you stick with the plan, you’ll arrive on time.

#4 Freedom from wandering

Do you have any financial goals or are you just looking for some passive income?

Financial goals are important because if you don’t know where you are now and the direction you are heading toward, then any road will get you Nowhere!

It’s hard to stay focused and on track without a clear direction. You can easily get lost and lose your way.

By following a plan, you will no longer have to lift up the freshly laid sod every week to see how it’s progressing.


How To Get Financial Freedom?

Now that you know what you’re free from, let me ask you :

  • What does financial freedom mean to you?
  • How important is financial freedom to you?
  • If you’ve already achieved it, how does it feel?

When you enjoy financial freedom, you have a lot of options both in life and with money.

Remember that both your money and your life require planning. The freedom that comes from following the plan doesn’t come at the end of the journey, as we have been taught. It comes at the very beginning!

To become financially free, you have to BEGIN.

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Financial Freedom is different for everyone. In order to achieve this, it is essential that every individual has a roadmap in place that can help them translate their financial freedom dream into financial performance measures. The best way to achieve financial freedom is by planning and setting goals.

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