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Goals are always set by a wise investor. Successful investors are continually planning ahead and positioning themselves for success. Setting goals for 2022 allows you to plan for success, begin forming habits that will transfer to your real estate firm, and fulfill some of your long-term investing goals. If you haven’t yet set your investment goals for 2022 and want to get a head start, this piece can help. We must first decide what we want to achieve and then design a plan to achieve our goals.


Investing in real estate is a long-term endeavor. It’s important to remember that this is a low-growth investment. You should be patient with yourself and your money if you are investing in real estate.

Blue Ocean Capital is a multifamily real estate investment group, We provide an opportunity for qualified investors to grow long-term, tax-deferred, wealth by acquisition and management of apartments. Wе utilize vаluе аdd ѕtrаtеgiеѕ аnd mаnаgе a роrtfоliо оf multifаmilу рrореrtiеѕ for our investors to achieve a higher return

Want to Invest Passively in Real Estate? Click here to to schedule a free consultation call. 

Goal-Setting in 7 Easy Steps:

There are seven simple but critical steps to setting goals for a successful year of real estate investing in 2022.

  1. Outcome

What are your goals for this project? Begin with the end in mind and a specific objective in mind. Here’s a hint: clarity is a powerful tool. The more specific your goal is, the more control you’ll have over it, and the more probable you’ll be able to make direct progress toward it.

  1. Purpose

Determine why you’re doing it, to begin with. What is the goal of your endeavor? Consider who will be affected by the result, as well as the attitudes or emotions linked with this accomplishment. Allow yourself to find a higher purpose or passion for money-making.

  1. An Extensive Action Plan

You’ll write down each step required to achieve your goal in the action plan phase. Make a list of all the activities, tasks, and connections you’ll need to accomplish your goal. Make a list of all the moving parts, categorize them, and figure out how, when, and where you can get rid of them.

  1. Setting priorities

Choose which tasks to complete first, second, and third. Is there anything you can get started on right now? Prioritize tasks that you can finish right now above those that will take more time. Begin by laying out your success road map in priority order, building momentum as you go.

  1. Date and Time Stamping

Put a deadline on it. Putting it on your calendar is a good idea since what gets scheduled gets done. What are your goals for the first, second, and third quarters, as well as the rest of the year? How much money do you need to save, raise, or invest each month, quarter, or year as you get closer to your huge ambitious goal?

  1. Use of leverage

A type of leverage is asking oneself what assistance you require and who you require in your life to assist you in achieving your objectives. It could be a person or a group of people, such as the Blue Ocean capital team, or an ad manager, copywriter, or app. This is when you acknowledge your strengths while outsourcing your weaknesses. If it’s challenging and not your area of expertise, don’t try to create a website yourself. Hire it out and concentrate your efforts on something you’re strong at, such as raising capital or conducting due diligence on the next apartment syndication.

  1. Execution and Correction of Course

Finally, you take significant action on a daily basis and establish yourself as a force to be reckoned with. Attend conferences, be a guest on podcasts, start that YouTube channel you’ve always wanted to start, and reach out to friends who could benefit from investing in tax advantages. When others see how much money you’re making from real estate, they’ll want to know how you did it and whether they can do it too. As you move closer to your target, keep track of your progress and make course changes as needed.

Conclusion: Do we recommend goal-setting in 2022? Because in order to succeed, you must have a plan. If you haven’t already, now is the time to start thinking about the future. If you want to make a speedy New Year’s resolution, invest in real estate with Blue Ocean Capital and get in before the market heats up again.

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